Бренды (главная)
Early 1927 is the starting point for the history of LUXUS PROFESSIONAL. It was the year when Yankee Polish Company had appeared in the world. For a long time the enterprise has been producing products for professional clothing care. However, it was soon decided to access a mass market what led immediately to success among housewives who appreciated the true quality of products.
When translated from German language, it means a power dwarf. This name was chosen not by chance, because all products of this brand were developed by the Oricont intentionally in order to help housewives to wash clothes or clean a room.
It is one of the oldest German brands under which cosmetics and body care products are produced. Today CONSTANTA is a brand with a worldwide reputation presented on the territory of Germany, Thailand, Cambodia, China, the United Arab Emirates and other countries of the Middle East.
It is one of the greatest examples of a private label developed and produced in Germany. The product is a result of collaborative work with Russian client “Russian Style-97”. Upon the client’s request all laundry detergent products of this brand have undergone all stages of development of a completely new product – from creating package design to a unique recipe.
It is a brand which was developed in Germany and is produced in Ukraine using German technologies. The product appeared on store shelves just several years ago but has already occupied strong positions in the market due to application of European quality standards.
ORICONT Handels- und Consulting-Gesellschaft mbH
Barnitzer St. 10
23858 Reinfeld (Holst.) / Germany
Tel.:+49-(0)4533-78772 70
Fax: +49-(0)4533-78772 99
Handelsregister des Amtagerichts Lübeck HRB 15622 HL
Ust.-Id. Nr.:
DE 155612746
Andreas Rohweder
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